“O prato Lula com chuchu é uma grande…” Veja DEBATE sobre lançamento de chapa do PT

"O prato Lula com chuchu é uma grande..." Veja DEBATE sobre lançamento de chapa do PT

O ex-governador de São Paulo, Geraldo Alckmin (PSB), afirmou que “lula é um prato que cai bem com chuchu” durante evento que oficializou a pré-candidatura da chapa Lula-Alckmin, na manhã deste sábado (7).

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Act Now Or Your Savings Will Be Stolen!

Do you feel like you are being lied to? Do you no longer believe the media’s spin that “all is well with the economy”? It seems everyone is out of work, your neighbors are on food stamps, another lost their home to foreclosure and still another lost their business and are claiming bankruptcy. Our nation no longer produces anything and all around you see nothing but empty store fronts or a new pawn shop on the corner. What is really happening and what should you do?

Unexpected Results of Technology

Back in the 1970’s, in the middle of an energy crisis, when “power to the people” was chanted by hippies like me on college campuses, E.F. Schumacher published “Small Is Beautiful: A Study of Economics As If People Mattered.”. It was a small book, but its subject still rings in my ears several decades later. Why has our much lauded age of technology resulted in such stressful and dangerous times?

Do Austerity Measures Really Work?

A 23% increase in the sales tax and wage cut up to 15%! This is in Ireland! When the government sees no other method to hold the country stable then they adopt austerity measures, or it can be said that austerity measure adoption shows that the government has failed with its administration and strategies.

The Dismal Failure of the Federal Reserve System – Part 1

Since the creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913, the dollar has lost almost 95% of its value. Obviously, something is wrong. Let’s compare the Fed’s stated goals versus the performance it actually achieves.

Is The Money Printing No Longer Working?

Announcements like that have previously had some predictable results. The markets tend to rally, precious metals prices jump, and mortgage rates drop too. This time around though, those things didn’t really happen. The stock markets actually dropped for a day or two, gold and silver have dropped to the lowest levels they’ve been for months, and mortgage rates have actually been climbing.

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