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Entrevistas completas no canal do Pânico Jovem Pan: https://www.youtube.com/c/panicojovempan
Pânico Retrô (momentos engraçados do Pânico no rádio) : https://www.youtube.com/c/P%C3%A2nicoRetr%C3%B41
Conheça o +1 podcast, um programa onde revelamos todos os bastidores do Pânico: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm77NwsR_C0n60TvB1anT5Q

A Purge of Working Class Families? The Hard Truth Behind Rising House Prices

Thousands of people are being needlessly forced out of their communities, exiled from their homes and pushed away from friends and family, all due to a government policy that is entrenching class division. Just as Thatcher promoted with her highly controversial right to buy scheme, this Conservative government is once again stimulating house prices to mimic the symptoms of an economic recovery – when in actual fact, they are intentionally condemning thousands of poor families to ghettos of poverty and crime. If you’re a part of the suburban and property owning middle class, you will probably welcome the constant inflation…

Trickle Down Economics Was a Mean-Spirited Label For Political Purposes to Malign Reagan

Tickle Down Economics is a nonsensical phrase used to malign Ronald Reagan Administration economic strategies of priming the economic pump. Interestingly enough, Keynesian Economic Theory today is much more likely to be used by Democrats. And even if one says that social welfare isn’t corporate welfare and thus, nothing similar, they’d be wrong. When we give money in food stamps, people buy food, and those selling the food, the corporations get that money in the very next transaction, what’s the difference between that and corporate welfare or farm subsidies in the overall scheme of things.

Is The Indian Dream Not Going To See The Light Of Reality?

Before any of us wears the astrologer’s cap to predict the answer to the question in this article’s title it would be critical to understand what this Indian dream was (or still is) and why it has so far not seen the light of reality. The dream of becoming a leading global economic power like (if not bigger than) China and the other developed economies on the world stage before China’s arrival on the scene was based on two key paradigms: (i) The world would provide a global centre-stage for an economic power, and (ii) The global economy would…

A Bulwark Against Another Financial Panic

Six years after Bear Stearns collapsed, financial institutions are collaborating on a new plan to backstop a key money market. It means a crisis of confidence is less likely to repeat itself, regardless of which way the political winds happen to blow.

Canada’s 2013 Bumper Crop May Not Decrease Food Prices For Consumers

Some Canadian farmers are frustrated that their crops from the Fall 2013 harvest is still in their fields. But are Canadian consumers going to see lower prices of foods as a result, and will farmers still make the profits they want. Time will tell as we look to see how this situation plays out.

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