Patrícia Corsi (@patcorsi) é mãe e educadora especialista em desenvolvimento infantil. Nesse, que é um dos Achismos mais aguardados dos últimos 20 anos, ela revela os principais erros cometidos por pais e mães, de diferentes gerações, na educação dos filhos.

Qual a importância do limite? Pode bater? Castigo funciona?

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ALÔ, SÃO PAULO! Meus Achismos no teatro – link para ingressos: https://bileto.sympla.com.br/event/71535/d/135597


Acesse a agenda completa em https://www.mauriciomeirelles.com.br

Índice do vídeo
00:00 – Introdução
00:15 – Abertura
00:28 – Prólogo
01:31 – Insider
03:08 – Os principais erros na educação dos filhos
04:00 – Pais delegando a educação – telas, escola e babá
06:48 – Aproveite o tempo com o seu filho
08:45 – Conduzindo o desenvolvimento
10:00 – Validando sentimentos
10:40 – O mundo da criança
11:30 – Ansiedade e depressão na idade adulta
12:40 – Não humilhe o seu filho
13:55 – Criança não pode ser infantilizada
14:44 – Não pode isso. Mas pode isso
15:50 – Um adulto que não conversa
16:45 – Não cale uma criança
18:00 – Quando a criança não quer falar
19:00 – Ama mais o papai ou a mamãe?
20:10 – A independência do filho
21:13 – Seguindo exemplos
22:10 – Respeitando o espaço físico da criança
22:56 – Tem coisas que não são opções
24:15 – Criando um abusador
25:00 – Violência doméstica
25:40 – Criança precisa de limite
27:00 – Diferença de gerações
28:10 – Sabendo criar um filho
29:10 – Criança difícil de conviver
30:09 – Pergunte para a criança
31:50 – De uma criança fofa para um adolescente insuportável
35:00 – Entendendo as próprias emoções
35:55 – Ser autoridade
37:05 – A criança precisa de ordem e rotina
38:20 – O lúdico
40:55 – A alimentação infantil é um problema
43:16 – Falhas na introdução alimentar
45:11 – Qualquer coisa, recomeça
46:36 – Convide o seu filho para cozinhar
47:47 – Crianção não precisa raspar o prato
50:00 – Todos os pais fazem isso
51:50 – Reconhecendo esforço do filho
54:10 – Radar de velocidade: um comparativo
55:25 – O problema do castigo
58:40 – Criando adultos fortes
01:00:29 – No avião
01:03:45 – Uma versão kids dos seus problemas
01:05:23 – Telas
01:06:18 – Estímulos a todo momento
01:07:10 – Autismo virtual
01:09:12 – Aprendendo a lidar com o mundo real
01:11:10 – Viciados precocemente
01:13:00 – Desenhos animados
01:14:00 – Divórcio
01:14:55 – Não existe ex-filho
01:15:45 – Filho como moeda de troca
01:18:15 – As crianças captam tudo
01:19:30 – Violento ou passivo
01:20:20 – Pais são profecias autorealizáveis
01:22:00 – Muito cuidado com os rótulos
01:23:56 – Dica para alimentação
01:25:05 – Deixe seu filho ser ele
01:26:45 – Canal do Mauricio no Telegram
01:28:42 – Insider
01:28:59 – Recados finais
01:30:34 – Achismos no teatro

Crony Capitalism – How Bad Has It Gotten In The US?

We all know the problem of the revolving-door in our political leadership and bureaucracy. Folks are in and out of government, keep their contacts and make a fortune from the known reality: it’s not what you know but whom you know. The problem with all this is exactly what Adam Smith warned us about; the incestuous relationship between government and business. Corporations in the US are large and powerful, and have and hire the best talent, retain and control endless resources – these corporations do not NEED government favors, nor does their executive leadership, they are doing fine.

Income Inequality Fixes Offer False Logic – Socialism Is The Problem, Not the Solution

Many have noted that the top one percenters keep getting richer while the bottom 20% haven’t made any headway at all, or so very little it’s hard to calculate to prove. Okay, maybe that is correct, but the poor have not backtracked on their standard of living or quality of life. Today, nearly everyone has a cell phone, computer of some type, TV, refrigerator, etc. And we don’t have very many people starving to death in America with our food stamp program and easy access to anyone.

The Trump Economy Is About To Surge – Are We Setting Ourselves Up For A Big Crash In The Future?

Currently, our trade deficits continue to rise, and the dollar is strong, so we should expect that trend to continue. We are watching the Euro dip below the dollar, it’s a $.96 today (January 3, 2017). Many emerging markets are under stress with potential trade deals dying on the vine and the incoming Trump Administration threatening to renegotiate everything, including and specifically NAFTA. This will cause a flight to safety for global investors, and that money will come to the US, but as that happens, this money will be looking for a decent ROI and that capital will be put to work – some of it will be banked and thus, money created to be loaned out.

A Wrench in the Recovery?

The latest GDP growth figures from the Commerce Department have a number of traders adopting a wait-and-see approach. But are they poised to miss out on the next big rally?

Brexit and Its Impact on the World Economy

<img src="https://usercontent1.hubstatic.com/13278682_f520.

A Fair Minimum Wage in America

Minimum-wage workers got their increase. Now they’re facing the sharp bite of inflation, which means increasing prices for coffee, ice cream and everything in between.

Toward Depoliticization of the Department of Veterans Affairs: Donald Trump’s Constitutional Mandate

The nomination by President-elect Donald Trump of the respected and dedicated physician, Dr. David Shulkin, for the position of V.A. Secretary is a definite game-changer for the U.S. Department of Veterans’ Affairs. Since the unfortunate day that the V.A. was made a cabinet-level political organization, in 1989, status-seeking politicians have been selected by career politicians (presidents and Congress) to head the department as the politically focused V.A. Secretary. Ed Derwinsky was the first and, hopefully, Bob McDonald will be the last. The confirmation of Dr. Shulkin as V.A. Secretary by the 115th Republican Congress will be the first great step toward the complete de-politicization of the V.A. through its removal from cabinet-level status and a return to an accountable federal agency intent on the basic purpose of the V.A., which is to use appropriate tax dollars in the most efficient manner to serve the needs of the nation’s military veterans. For this to occur over-time, many changes will be necessitated through the purview and ultimate control of the 45th President of the USA, Donald Trump. Read on for an explication of these issues…

The Debt Meltdown

America has a debt problem. That shouldn’t come as a surprise. For as long as I can remember, we’ve had a debt problem. But despite the federal government’s love of debt spending, its bad habits aren’t what could bring the economy to a sharp and painful halt yet again…

The Democratic Agenda

In the mist of this President’s trial by error administration the Democratic Party continues to grasp at straws for an agenda that would rally a nation that most feel is moving in a very wrong direction. The only light of reason and hope in this problematic presidency has been the continued outspoken presence of Bernie Sanders. But, like during the primaries the establishment of the DNC continues to dismiss and really ignore the message that Senator Sanders keeps putting out.

Universal Income Is Probably A Very Bad Idea Even If Small Scale Pilot Programs Show It Working

Perhaps you’ve heard the call for a ‘universal income’ to prevent poverty and bring a little more to the proverbial goal of equality. Well, it turns out many countries are considering this and a few already have such a thing. Most of us in capitalist countries hesitate at the thought of such a concept, as it is a disincentive for those at the bottom to climb up and out of poverty. Still, you’d be surprised how much traction this idea is getting in even first world nations, even though the scheme has ‘socialism’ and big government written all over it.

In the Lapse of Luxury: When the Rich Stop Spending

If the wealthy feel confident about the future, they spend. And a close look at the details of luxury spending shows the situation isn’t as pretty a picture as the market is painting right now.

Cashless Society, India, and Big Brother

The short story is that American banking and government institutions are partnering on a do-or-die- global ultimatum to shift all countries from cash to digital currency. The ultimatum is that if a country does not play ball by cooperating, they lose out in trade since digital will become the default platform.The momentum builds in the interest of international business community to eliminate cash, increase digital payments, and to expand the ability of payment service providers and mega corporations to track every penny you spend.

Born Free and Unregulated

A human being is born free. Every human being, even those in totalitarian states. Their freedom has simply been stolen, due to a government with too much authority.

Beware These Dangerous Words

Every boom has its moment of hubris and overconfidence. Most often someone announces a “tallest building in the world.” Or in this case, a gigantic mall.

Poverty in the Eyes of Adam Smith, David Ricardo and Malthus

Poverty is a situation in which scarcity takes place, or it can be a state where individuals lack a certain amount of materials or money, depending on the phase they are living in. There are many different views, describing this circumstance. Especially, economists have tried to describe it in a definition, but there are different views of referring to the situation among the economists as well.

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