José Maria Trindade: PT quer retomar projeto para ficar para sempre no poder

José Maria Trindade: PT quer retomar projeto para ficar para sempre no poder

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Economic Recovery: A Financial, Political, and Feasible Solution to the US Economic Situation

This article offers a potential solution to the economic challenges facing the U.S. It is a broad strategy employing tactics that are currently being used – but are currently uncoordinated. It calls for both government-led stimulus and austerity measures but it focuses on the most important factor in turning the economy around – an increase in job creation. This is seen as the most important factor because only broad consumer spending can provide the massive impetus required to restart the economy.

In Europe, It’s 2008 All Over Again

Europe’s problems are reminiscent of the 2008 panic. Expect policy makers to do what they must, once they exhaust other options.

Tuition Protests Have Finally Gained Public Awareness, But What Can Students Do in the Meantime?

Student protests in Montreal have intensified, suggesting the debate over accessible education is far from over. However, as it stands now, the best option for students and recent graduates looking for ways to save money is to take advantage of student tax credits.

The Conscience Of A Restorationist, XV

How does a pristine house fall into shameful disrepair? How does a shiny new car become a rusty junker? How does a bodybuilder, once a prime physical specimen, become fat and out-of-shape? The answer is that these things happen when we stop taking care of the house, the car, or the body… and then decay begins its work. Slowly. Progressively. One peel of the paint, one crack of the upholstery, one ounce of fat at a time…

An Intellectual Adventure

The raging debates between Hayekian and Keynesian schools seem to do little to ease the plight of the millions of Americans who find themselves at the wrong side of the equation every time the economy takes a downturn. Philosophical jargon and complex economic models do not seem to inspire trust, or public interest, as the number of Google searches reveals.

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