Em novo ajuste para a realidade, pesquisa traz Bolsonaro e Lula “colados”

Em novo ajuste para a realidade, pesquisa traz Bolsonaro e Lula "colados"

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Surviving Bad Times – The Steps That Can Keep You Safe

This article provides the steps needed for surviving bad times. These ideas can help keep you safe. They may even help you prosper, under the right conditions.

The Conscience Of A Restorationist, V

We must restore America, as founded. What project can you dream up and take on? How can you help the restoration? Educate yourself, then write a book. Teach a class at a local college. Start a business. Take on an entrepreneurial initiative within your existing business. Or work on restoring something we used to have in America and which would’ve come in handy when the progressives conducted their insidious campaign: journalism….

Jobs Are Coming Back In Droves, Says Obama – Not According to the Federal Reserve They Aren’t

Well, I find it amazing how the government appears to be manipulating all the economic figures. Yes, I understand why they are doing that, and I also believe that one-third of the performance of the US economy has to do with consumer confidence. When consumers feel that things are getting better, they go out and spend more, and that indeed does help the economy.

Socialism Is Great – Well If You Believe That, I Have Some Great Solid Greek Bonds to Sell You!

After President Obama was elected, there was a famous ballplayer out of Chicago who said that socialism is great, and that he likes socialism because as he put it; “socialism is when everyone is rich not just a few people.” Actually, the exact opposite is true, you see socialism is when just a few people are rich, and everyone else is equally poor. That historically has been the reality, in almost every nation it’s ever been tried or put into practice.

More Bailout Money for Europe – Sounds Risky Indeed

In watching a slow-motion economic train rack in the European Union, we have watched the trouble with the PIIGS – Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain dealing with the challenges of default. We’ve also watched the restructuring of debt fall flat on its face, and even talk about breaking up the European Union completely. None of this is very good, but the amount of debt outstanding now is so significant, it’s almost as if the EU cannot bail itself out without printing trillions of dollars, and destroying its currency.

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