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A Month Of Surprises
There has been a lot of news since the start of the year. On the economic front, most of it has been good.
Money Printing Is Not InflationaryAfter 6 years of Quantitative Easing, a fancy name for money printing, the US has little inflation to show for its efforts. You see it in the stock market to be sure, and also in certain food prices, but amazingly, many goods and services are falling in value. Is this even possible?
Health Sector Logs Big Gains in 2014 – Four Predictions for 20152014 has concluded and it was very kind to the portfolios of Health and Life Science executives. During 2014 the Dow Jones U.S. Healthcare broad industry index returned 25% (second only to Utilities +26%). The companies featured here have done even better, returning on average +82% this year. Here is a recap of our featured stories and how those companies performed in 2014. I also provide four early predictions for 2015.
European Union QE Will DisappointIt doesn’t matter if the ECB votes yes or no to QE, the EU is doomed either way. Many QE addicts are betting on an enormous QE package coming out of the EU. They’re recalling the effects of the US style QE and salivating at the chance to replay the dream again via the EU. They will lose a lot of money in the end, because they haven’t done their homework, nor do they realize the circumstances in the EU are vastly different than they were in the US, before it began its QE program.
Metarepresented MoneyMoney represents a future commodity ownership. However, the only way of keeping this ownership rightful, hence decentralized, is to price commodities in metarepresented money. Any otherwise priced future ownership will not remain rightfully decentralized. This article explains why, by deriving the concepts, first of generic money, then of privately concrete money, and finally of metarepresented money from direct commodity exchange.