Rodrygo e Real Madrid CHOCAM O MUNDO; Jorge Jesus diz que QUER VOLTAR ao Flamengo! | BATE-PRONTO

Rodrygo e Real Madrid CHOCAM O MUNDO; Jorge Jesus diz que QUER VOLTAR ao Flamengo! | BATE-PRONTO

O Bate-Pronto desta quinta-feira falará tudo sobre a épica classificação do Real Madrid à grande final da Liga dos Campeões da Europa. O time merengue saiu atrás no placar contra o Manchester City e perdia o jogo até os 45min do segundo tempo, mas Rodrygo fez dois gols no fim do tempo regulamentar, Benzema decidiu na prorrogação, e a equipe espanhola garantiu vaga para enfrentar o Liverpool em Paris de maneira histórica. O programa também falará sobre os empates de Flamengo e Corinthians fora de casa pela Libertadores.


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Fear Drives the Economy

People are driven by fear and pain and fear of pain is the biggest driver. The way he economy runs is by creating a need based on fear of losing out or of missing out. Salespeople know it all to well and advertisements in the media aim at the part of us that triggers the emotions.

The Global Financial System Is on Life Support

This is something that came over the radio today. Because the systems are breaking down as the truth flows over the world the economy is doomed. People are angry and they loathe to vote for the incumbent governments representatives who have failed to put them first ahead of the multi-national companies that are ripping everyone off.

What Stay-At-Home Moms Must Know About Social Security

The things we don’t know can and very likely will rise up to bite us in times of adversity. In our unstable economy, it’s even more incumbent for women and others vulnerable financially to be aware of how the Social Security system, in particular disability benefits, works.

Significance of Econometrics

Econometrics does deal with the relationships among several variables. It is a branch of social sciences in which the tools of economic theory, mathematics, ans statistics are applied to analyse economic phenomenon.

Free Markets Work Beyond U.S. Borders

Jobs is by far the most important and crucial point to changing the direction of America. Republicans like to focus on Trickle down economics without remembering Trickle up economics. Democrats seem not to realize that the size of government can not remain the same while our private sector lies in ruins. Both sides seem not to fully grasp the complexities of the situation we are in and how to fix it. If there is a way to fix it. We may have to wait for the Invisible hand to do it for us which may take some time.

Economic Development and Child Labour

Laws related to child labour may not yield the desired results. But enhancing the quality of life will reduce the menace of child labour.

What Copper Says About the Economy

There’s a reason why copper is sometimes called “Dr. Copper.” The price of copper indicates the health of the economy – and according to the most recent prices, our economy’s about to flatline…

Exchanging Love With Currency

An atmosphere of harmony can be cultivated through simple acts of supporting your local sellers instead of purchasing from large corporations or on-line. Learn about the “Ohana” culture and how it can be applied to all aspects of our lives, including business.

Fear the Dollar Kill Switch

For most of human history, we’ve lived in largely cashless societies. It’s nothing new. But there are concerns about a modern cashless society, and the real threat should terrify you.

One World Socialist Government Bias In International Media

Well, here we are in the middle of yet another Presidential Election Year. And we have a couple of outsiders who are making some heavy contributions to political history here in the USA. Yes, I speak of Industrial Capitalist Donald Trump, a total outsider, and Bernie Sanders a 100% admitted socialist and damn proud of it according to his political rhetoric and campaign stump speeches which are drawing crowds in the thousands wherever he speaks. So, let’s talk about socialism shall we?

The Power Behind the Throne

Could anyone actually miss that the United States is in a presidential election cycle? I don’t think so. As November draws closer, the election of a new president consumes more of the news and more our conscious awareness. People protest, and are concerned about how the next president, his/her ideas and power, will affect the course of history. Yet, all the while, the true monopolistic power thrives behind the throne, unnoticed and un-protested.

Larger Populations Are Driving the Economy to the Wall

Governments have dealt in larger populations for increasing their tax income while companies have relished them as a larger consumer base, but now it may be coming home to haunt them. While the economy is front and center of politicians and business it is the string pulled by the Spirit of the Universe to bring about the end of the world as we know it. These are big words but substantiated in the Old Testament prophecies and in my memory of reincarnation.

Big Business Is Driving Australian Dairy Farmers Out of Business

Australian dairy farmers are rapidly going out of business because of reduced milk prices in supermarkets. Two major companies started a price war on milk some five years ago by offering milk for $1Au a litre, that is less than a bottle of water. The farmers are getting so little in return that it does not cover their expenses.

Should Billionaires Hold The Keys to Power?

This is a debate for the 21st Century as never before have we seen billionaires running for office. Now they are capturing entire nations by rhetoric that is frankly frightening to the less endowed candidates. Trump is a case in point and his talk of fences to keep out illegal migrants and a shift in the foreign policy of the USA away from helping to keep the peace to one of outright war is turning heads in many parts of the world.

The Great Banking Lie

The financial sector wasn’t always looking for its next revenue fix. Savings and loan was the name of the game during the Industrial Revolution… back before banks became economic parasites.

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