“É IMPORTANTE falar que o Palmeiras SOUBE…” Mauro Cezar ELOGIA gestão do Verdão e CITA a FLAMIMIMI

"É IMPORTANTE falar que o Palmeiras SOUBE..." Mauro Cezar ELOGIA gestão do Verdão e CITA a FLAMIMIMI

Mauro Cezar citou a ala “mimimi” da torcida do Flamengo e elogiou a gestão do Palmeiras, que não demitiu Abel Ferreira após o fracasso no Mundial de Clubes no início de 2021. Veja mais um vídeo do Bate-Pronto, da Jovem Pan Esportes

Link do vídeo: https://youtu.be/Xstqvg2NXDg

#JovemPan #BatePronto


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Why Do Leftist Socialist Leaning Professors Dismiss Entire Field of Economics & Fight Economic Data?

Not long ago, I was listening to a PodCast from Knowledge (AT) Wharton [Business School] where the researchers noted that 58% of Economists believed it would not be helpful for them to study the humanities – Sociology, Anthropology, Gender Studies, Etc. The same study did reveal that most Economists believed History was important. Contrast that with professors in the Humanities where 78% thought that cross-studies, multi-degrees in different subjects helped their knowledge, insight and perspective very much.

The Economic Impact Of Universal Income

In an age of technological marvels as we are seeing today has generated enormous wealth. But, with this wealth you would think that society as a whole would be the benefactors of all those technological advances. Today, the wealth disparity gap has only gotten wider.

How a Social Impact Calculator on Aging Can Help Your Community

Aging Social Impact Calculator uses demographic trends, economic benchmarks, health rankings, policy and funding frameworks to provide a predictive picture. Communities and states can use these benchmarks to better understand the potential impact of the aging of our society, and how economic, health, policy and funding rankings help communities and states determine how well they are positioned to respond, and what sort of capacity they bring to the situation.

Academic and Professional/Occupational Advice for American Citizens Under Thirty Years of Age

The prevailing economic status of a constitutional republic, such as the USA, determines the sociopolitical environment in which the youth of the republic are conditioned to pursue education, professional, and occupational development. The methodology for such development boils down to one, of two, economic options; the statist, socialist, and Keynesian approach to development, or the one based upon the republican principles established for the pursuit of liberty by the honored Framers of the American U.S. Constitution, capitalism, and the free market. Pursuit of education and future financial success may be geared toward an expansion of socialism or a restoration and sole use of the principles of capitalism. The educational status of a unique republic is at stake through choices made by its youth. Read on for an explication of the issues…

The Fed Is About to Topple This House of Cards

There’s another storm ready to pummel the U.S. It could leave behind a painfully slow recovery that could eat away at your wealth if you’re not prepared…

Closure of Car Manufacturing in Australia Is a Legacy of Abbott and Hockey

Many in this country held their breath when the decision was made by the Federal Abbott/Hockey government not to give money to companies struggling to continue with their manufacturing industries. This followed the Global Financial Crisis and the staving off of job losses by the Rudd government after its election in 2007. The toxic nature of Abbott in opposition appealed to the people who chose to change things in 2013.

3D Blockchain Application Platforms

3D blockchain application platforms are now available. These are projects that are developed by using a cryptocurrency. The program is regulated by the use of different kinds of cryptocurrencies. When you have a small business, it is possible to make very interesting presentations so as to manage projects in a more impressive and efficient manner only by using such programs. This means that you can be in a position to manage different business services or even a store better.

The Right to Be Idle

In the modern world, it is well established that there are some basic human rights and these are enshrined in law in advanced countries. Most people now agree that there should be a right to life, to freedom under the law, to safe food, clean air and water, and state-funded education. All advanced countries except the USA provide universal state-funded healthcare. Advanced countries also provide various forms of welfare benefits to support child care, disability and retirement. Most significantly, they provide financial support for workers who lose their jobs and suffer a period of unemployment. However, it is the nature of right-wing politicians to resist the extension of the welfare system, and one of their repeated concerns is that some people may choose not to work but live permanently on unemployment benefit.

The Hour Glass

As the sands of time flow downward the sea of change continues to ebb. It ebbs not with grace but with a velocity of a coming tsunami. The world that I once knew when I was young is unrecognizable now.

The Curse of the Federal Reserve and the Federal Debt Explained and Delineated: Part I

An explanation for the currently staggering $20.4 trillion federal debt is to Keynesian socialist sophists in the U.S. government a convoluted financial matter that can be delineated properly with the fuzzy nonsensical math and charts that they ordinarily use to defend the sordid application of Keynesian economic theory in a floundering global economy. But this is not what the father of capitalism, Adam Smith, and the Founding Fathers of the U.S. Constitution, the sovereign economy of the American republic, and the American dollar, Madison, Jefferson, Jay, and Adams, would have done in 1789, and would not say, if resurrected in 2017, to exculpate the ravaging socialism, rampant federal debt, austere inflation, and the perverse mutation of the sovereign American economy, which have devastated the great American republic. This article is the first part of a three-part explication of what has happened in the federal government conspiratorially since 1913 to deliberately destroy the governmental and economic foundations that made the USA the greatest successful experiment in republican government that the world has ever seen. Read on for political, economic, and historical understanding.

‘Merry Crisis & Happy New Fear’ for Indians in 2017

The year 2017 is going to witness the negative impact of demonetization. An analysis of what is in store for the economy.

Crisis Education

For some time now our educational system has been awash in too much controversy. Having the current Educational Secretary heading the Department of Education has not done much to improve the nations overall prospects that our children will achieve a higher degree of an educational experience that will prepare them for the jobs of today and tomorrow. The reality facing too many parents is not whether to send our children to charter, or private schools but to face the fact that public schools have been on the decline for many years now.

The Venezuelan Government Blames Everyone But Themselves For Their Economic Implosion

Not long ago I was at our local Starbucks discussing US Politics and the Democratic Party, specifically the word “Progressive” as a label for someone who was a Democrat Voter. I noted that this word was all wrong, merely because today the Democratic Party in the US is very pro-Socialism, and since Socialism doesn’t work, it would be ‘regressive’ and not ‘progressive’. My acquaintance said; “Yes, isn’t that some wonderful branding,” and added, “How can you fault someone’s political beliefs if you start with the premise that they are for progress?”

Here’s Why You Are Inadvertently a Huge Trump Supporter

While the US economy appears to be booming, most people disapprove of President elect Donald Trump. This disapproval is happening in the face of record highs in the stock market and increased revenues for the media. This article highlights the paradoxical relationship the general public has with President Trump and how the booming economy has become dependent on the public’s high disapproval rating.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation: The Inconvenient Truth

Information article for entrepreneurs “Entrepreneurship and innovation: The popular belief”. Entrepreneurs are widely believed to be the agents behind economic growth and innovation. They are, we are told, the movers and shakers who create new industries, unseat current leaders from their thrones, and open new frontiers for everyone.

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